A journal club is a regular gathering of individuals, typically within an academic or professional setting, to discuss and critically evaluate research articles from scientific journals. Here’s a comprehensive overview:


  1. Knowledge Sharing: To keep members updated on the latest research in their field.
  2. Critical Appraisal: To develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of research studies.
  3. Skill Development: To improve skills in reading scientific literature, understanding research methodologies, and interpreting data
  4. Networking: To foster collaboration and discussion among researchers and professionals.


  1. Frequency: Usually meets regularly, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
  2. Participants: Typically includes researchers, graduate students, clinicians, or professionals interested in the topic area.
  3. Format: Sessions may be moderated by a rotating leader or a designated presenter who introduces the article.
  4. Article Selection: Articles are selected based on relevance to current research trends, potential impact on practice, or interest among club members.


  • Presentation: The presenter gives an overview of the article, including background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Discussion: Members discuss various aspects of the article, such as the study design, statistical analysis, validity of results, and implications for practice or further research
  • Critique: Participants critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the study, including its methodology, potential biases, and ethical considerations
  • Conclusions: The session concludes with a summary of key insights, unanswered questions, and potential future research directions.


  1. Professional Development: Enhances understanding of current research and improves critical appraisal skills.
  2. Collaboration: Facilitates networking and collaboration among researchers with similar interests.
  3. Learning Environment: Provides a supportive environment for learning and exchanging ideas
  4. Keeps Current: Ensures members stay up-to-date with advancements in their field.


  1. Engagement: Encourage active participation from all members.
  2. Diverse Selection: Rotate article selection to cover various aspects of the field.
  3. Facilitation: Ensure a balanced discussion that respects differing opinions.
  4. Feedback: Solicit feedback to continually improve the club’s effectiveness and relevance.

A journal club is a valuable forum for fostering academic and professional growth, promoting critical thinking, and advancing knowledge within a specialized field or discipline.


Nodal Officer Name Designation
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Mr. Dinesh Bindal Assistant Professor Dept. of VI 01-07-2023
2023-24 REPORTS
Research presentation on Intellectual Disability
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