The early intervention services are provided for the children at risk/ developmental delay from birth to three years registered at out institute by team of multidisciplinary experts.
The children are assessed by using various developmental checklists in different aspects of development such as motor, self help, language, cognitive and social areas. A home based program is prepared and explained to the parents/ caretakers. The training focusing on stimulation is imparted through.

Special Education Services Include preparation of specially designed curriculum to meet unique needs of children with Multiple Disabilities. Specially Designed teaching learning material and teaching method are used to optimized the educational potential of children with Multiple Disability.
Children with multiple disabilities are assessed with of functional approach Individualized educational programme with periodical evaluation has been followed for the children attending special education services. The role of parents is emphasized all along the training program. Multisensory and Low cost teaching learning materials are designed for increasing effectiveness of teaching and learning process. Curricular activities are taught with special emphasis on making them as independently as possible.
Co-curricular activities are organized in both small and large groups. Different types of activities like music, art, craft, yoga and dance are organized in classrooms. Children take part in celebration of various festivals and cultural programmes. Besides this persons with single disability/ attending inclusive education in the regular school are being provided with remedial education.

Psychological Services includes a wide spectrum of assessment the includes cognitive, behavioral, and emotional and assessment for learning disabilities. Appropriate test are used to assess the intellectual functioning of the children with various disabilities. Behavioral assessment is also to find the existing skill deficits and undesirable behavior in the children to form an adequate treatment plan for the same. Based on detailed case history, Mental Status Examination and psychological assessments the diagnosis is drawn and appropriate treatments planned for each client.
Most of the treatment packages were based on behavioral approaches. Parental counseling sessions were conducted in every session to make them understand the nature of the disability, basic etiological factors, treatment of choices and prognostic factors.
Parents were trained to handle the child and provided with various information regarding govt. policies for the welfare of the disabled. Supportive therapies were provided parents to ventilate their emotional turmoil and to have a better self understanding. They were also trained in basic behavior modification strategies to apply with their children.

‘Audiology’ refers to the science of hearing and the study of the auditory process.
Speech Pathology
The study and treatment of all aspects of functional and organic speech defects and disorders after the same speech correction.
This unit provides services for the children with multiple disability having problems in the area of speech and hearing. A detailed assessment is done with the help of various instruments such as pure tone, impedance audiometer, audio screener – GSI and other instruments to find out hearing threshold of the client with multiple disabilities. A comprehensive speech and language training programmes is developed and demonstrated to the parents.
This unit has audiology lab and ear mould lab for audio logical assessment, training and fabrication of ear moulds. Group therapy is given to develop speech, language and communication of the children with multiple disabilities.

Occupational Therapy is the assessment and treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions using specific, purposeful activity to prevent disability and promote independent function in all aspects of daily life.

Physiotherapy services are provided to students with disabilities enrolled in state schools and state education programs and services. These services focus on the enhancement of education programs and outcomes for students with intellectual impairment, physical impairment, vision impairment, hearing impairment, speech-language impairment, autism spectrum disorder or multiple impairments.